About Us

About Us

METASOFT INFO  is a professional IT & software development company in Bangladesh providing a range of affordable custom website design, e-commerce, domain & hosting, digital marketing, graphics design, Apps Development & software development services to clients across the world. We regularly deliver creative, effective web designs and solutions that show the qualities, needs, and vision of our clients. Our goal is the success of our client?s online and offline branding, communications and marketing strategy.

We have started our journey in 2020 and succeeded within very short time in securing long term relationship with a number leading clients in local and international such Bangladesh.

We have strong technology expertise and deep industry knowledge to develop customized solutions and services to fit your needs.

Our Mission

 Optimize the growth of our working sector in Bangladesh maintaining greater balance between business and client’s relations.

 To implement the best Integrity, Capability & Maturity models.

 To motivate all categories of people to use the IT facilities for more productivity.

 To motivate young generation for using IT to develop their creativity.

 Provide IT service with maximum quality and minimum cost.

 To take potential steps for development of IT sector in home and abroad.

Our Vision

To contribute in overall development of our country by providing available IT services for the people of all strata with simple condition and dedicated services and to be a mentor organization for the development of IT sector in Bangladesh and global platform.

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Project Finished

Why Choose Us

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  • Audit & Assurance
  • Dedicated Team
  • Best Advisors
  • Network Solutions
  • 24/7 Supports
  • Work Deadline
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Meet Our Teams

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Anis Ahmmed

Anis Ahmmed

Founder +8801926702026
Javed Jahanger

Javed Jahanger

Co-Founder +8801811480222
Ashraf Islam

Ashraf Islam

Co-Founder +8801600179287
Md. Naimur Rahman

Md. Naimur Rahman

Software Engineer metasoftinfo@gmail.com
Shams Ahmed Ayat

Shams Ahmed Ayat

Client service management metasoftinfo@gmail.com


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